Figure 8 Bind Off

(step-by-step photo instruction by Natalie Trinh)

  1. Remove yarn from the carriage and pull some yarn to loosen up its tension.
  2. Draw the yarn over the first needle on the carriage side, and knit this needle manually.
  3. Pull that same needle back to non-working position (NWP). This will enlarge the stitch. Then, pull it forward to holding position (HP). 

4.  With a 1-prong transfer tool, hook this stitch (loop) from the back and turn it 180-degree. Then, hang the stitch over to the next needle. You just formed a figure-8. Pull the yarn a little to minimize the slag from the first needle. Leave the 1st needle as is in HP. 

Tip: The 180-degree turn can be either clockwise or counterclockwise, it makes no difference. However, whichever way you chose to turn, it should be kept in the same direction throughout the row for an even finished look. 

5.  The 2nd needle now has 2 loops. Draw the yarn over the needle and knit this needle manually. 

  1. Pull this needle back to NWP then pull forward to HP. Make the figure-8 as showed in step 4, and hang it onto the 3rd needle. Knit the 3rd needle manually. Leave these needles in HP.
  2. Repeat this procedure, steps 3-6, throughout the row.
  3. When you reach to the last needle and after forming the figure-8, knit manually through the 2 stitches. Then, knit manually once again. Cut off the yarn. Pull the last stitch and slip the tail through to fasten off.
  4. Pull all needles back to NWP to release all stitches.

For the Grafting technique:

  1. Line up the 2 pieces of knitted fabric with right sides facing each other. Hang the stitches that are aligned (from pieces 1 & 2) on the knitting machine needles. Each needle should have 2 stitches, one from fabric 1 and one from fabric 2.
  2. Use the same yarn and make a slip knot. Hang the knot over the 1st needle at either end of the row and knit manually it through the 2 stitches. 1 stitch is on the 1st needle.
  3. Continue to work the Figure-8 stitch technique in the same manner above, steps 3-9, to complete the grafting.